If you are searching for a new shop, now is available this unfurnished shop for rent in Adliya area, which is a very good area to rent a shop in it because it is a very vital area,
The shop contains a bathroom, a central air conditioner system, secured car parking, and security system cameras for the shop, the shop space is 1500 square meters, and it is near to CID station.
The Adliya neighborhood is typically described as a bohemian neighborhood within the heart of Manama because the Adliya neighborhood isn't only distinguished by it includes a number of the foremost important art galleries within the Kingdom of Bahrain. But it’s also considered an outsized entertainment and tourism center because the Adliya neighborhood contains many high-end international restaurants including restaurants serving dishes from many international kitchens and cafeterias.
All of these features for rent price 1500 BD negotiable.
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