Are you moving to a new place? Have you started packing yet?
Do you think you have to throw away everything you own and start from scratch? Think again!
Do you think you can just take everything and replicate your old place? Please don’t!
Before you start packing you need to make a list of what you are going to take with you to your new space and what you are leaving behind.
We know how hard letting go of some sentimental stuff can be, but letting go of the clutter is essential for that ‘fresh new home’ vibe.
And also reusing some of your old stuff will make the new place feel like home instantly.

Take your children's toys

Take your children’s toys

Of course, you need to take their toys! Otherwise, they will get cranky and instantly hate the new place. They had to throw out their dearest belongings for the move after all!

Do not take all the toys!

Toys are the number one source of clutter in the house, you do not need to move unused clutter with you to the fresh new home.
So, before you pack endless boxes of toys sort everything out. Anything your children have outgrown or stopped playing with needs to be given away.
If you are uncertain about some toys, pack them up and leave them in a separate box. If they do not ask for them after a certain amount of time, get rid of them.

Take the things you are emotionally attached to.

Take the things you are emotionally attached to

Items that you are emotionally attached to should always be on top of the list when moving. Such items will make you feel right at home.

Do not take things that hinder you!

If it is one of your favorite items in your home then take it.
Nonetheless, if an item is too large or too heavy and consequently more expensive to move, or you just have no place for at your new home, then do not take it just because you are too sentimental to let go of it.

Take your comfy furniture.

Take your comfy furniture.

If a piece of furniture is comfortable and makes you happy then, by all means, you should take it.
Find a way to incorporate that item with the decor in your new place, or even renovate that item if you need to.

Do not take its useless friends

For example, if the only item you love in your bedroom is your comfy bed, you do not have to take the matching dresser or the armoire that you dislike just because they match it!
Embrace eclectic design, or find other accents to tie the pieces together instead.

Take your good kitchen appliances.

Take your good kitchen appliances

If your stove is in a perfect condition and you are used to your oven and happy with it, why buy a new one just because you are moving to a new place?
Good appliances are a great thing to own, do not dispose of them unless you really have to.

Do not take the appliances you never use!

Moving might be a great time to get rid of that ice-cream maker you bought on a whim and never actually used!
You can sell unused appliances or even give them away as a gift to someone who will make good use of them.

Take your books.

Take your books

Bookcases and bookshelves are things of beauty. A bookcase full of well-loved and well-read books says home sweet home!
So, of course, take your cherished books when moving to a new place and display them proudly there.

Do not take the books you do not enjoy!

Books are bulky and heavy, so unless you really like a book do not bother moving it into your new home.
If you are a true book lover and find getting rid of books extremely painful, give them away.
Imagine those books going to someone who will truly appreciate them instead of sitting on the shelves unread.

Take important documents.

Take important documents

Needless to say that some papers and documents are very important. Put them in organized files in a bag so they would not get lost in the move.

Do not take your endless paper collection!

All those old receipts and old meaningless papers are destined for the shredder, they weigh you down and make looking for important documents exhausting.
You can also use those shredded papers as stuffing for your fragile items, win-win!

To learn more about moving to a new place see also:

Moving to a New House: how to make it easier beforehand?

Moving Tips and Tricks: 10 Tips for an Easy Move

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